Wikipedia has been something I have used for a very long for all manner of things. I enjoy using it, I like what it has become and what it has started. I love to play games and in moments where I find myself fan Girling over a TV show or movie I know that somewhere out there that there is most likely a Wiki created for it. Either for the chosen topic or the whole canon/universe. For example, just the other day I watched a new short series found on Netflix called “Blood, Sex & Royalty.” Strangely enough its all about the relationship of King Henry and Anne Boleyn. Anne Boleyn has always been a fascination for me ever since watching The Tudors. With Wiki’s help I went down a rabbit hole of questions, all of which were answered.

Now, this is all well and good for entertainments sake or to answer nagging questions. But if you were to ever ask me if I use Wiki for my writing professionally or academically, I would look at you weird. And its more than just the fact that from early off we were always taught that Wiki was not a reasonable source and would not count. I understand that Wiki, in its search to be unbiased still tilts in one direction or another. If you do a search on the subject you'll find alot of articles claiming that Wikipedia's political posts have more of a left-wing biased but if you dig deeper there are others that say the opposite. And while I have not personally seen it myself the pessimist in me doesn't believe anything written by so many human hands has the ability to be completely biased.
So, I was challenged to create a Wikiepedia login and to change a post on there. First to tell people what I was adding/changing and then to actually make the edit one week or so later. This would allow others to comment on my idea of a change before I actually made it. My experience was a bit surprising, though to start I will admit that it hasn't really changed my opinion on Wikipedia as a whole. Though I do find the process interesting enough.
First I made my account: GKlimala (my soon to be last name once I get off my butt and put in for that name change)
Second; I went and clicked on the talk Tab and posted my comment that you see below. I chose After Affects because I love the program and since this was my first time doing this I didn't want to mess up too bad. I figured this would go under the radar of most people.

As you can tell no one left a comment on my post and I checked in every so often. So a week or so later I went ahead and made my edit. And while I would love to place the actual edit here I find that I am uable to. Now I'd like to note that I did try and continue to check if I received any comments after I posted and I found no one had commented. Rather than comment on my talk page post I was informed that not only my change and information I added was removed but some other person had added something a long time ago and that was removed WITH my addition.

Wiki community! I'm not impressed....
All and all, as I said, it was an interesting experience. But unfortunately it further shows the biased nature of Wikiepedia to me. Instead of simply notifying me that I did something wrong after I posted of my change he simply removed it. When go to this Mr. Ollie's page it seems Im not the only one he has done this to as some people seem to feel insulted by his righteous wilding of the edit hammer. It's a bit unfortunate as the linked I added were sites that graphic designers like myself go to for After Effect plugins, extensions and scripts. While I am not affiliated with them I have purchased most likely hundreds from them combined. They are extremely useful websites and tools.
Lets see if this guy answers shall we?
The After Effects Post I had tried to add to can be found here for reference.

About the Writer
Hi, I’m Gaël. I was born in Haiti and I am a recently married mother of 1 soon to be adopted little girl. Welcome to The Graphic Alchemist where I mainly talk about design, but I do throw in my opinions on other matters to add some spice. From graphic design to recipes and everything in between. Besides this portfolio/blog I also have a small business called Dyadic Alchemy that I run with my husband. We are both alchemists in are own right and love mixing things up. As the name of the blog suggests, between the two of us, I am the graphic alchemist.