Welcome to The Creative Alchemist, a name derived from the small business I have with my husband called Dyadic Alchemy. Dyadic means two things of similar kind or nature. Alchemy is the blending of several elements to make something new. Out of the both of us, I am the artist, hence The Creative Alchemist.
I’ve had this portfolio for nearly 10 years. The design, for the most part has remained the same while I’ve changed what has displayed on it every so often when I am between jobs. A blog is something that I have considered for a long time but just never got around to doing. While I am very much an introverted private person that doesn’t mean I don’t have a lot to say about many things, especially about my main passion in life, designing. So, this is my start, an attempt to touch upon some things that I don’t mind sharing whether it is knowledge or simply my opinion on things. Because in this world, especially how things are evolving politically, religiously, in art, with women, with people, everyone has an opinion. Some people scream theirs while others, like me, whisper it. But I will be frank, this is starting due to an assignment for a class, but who knows, it might just be the kick I need to move forward with this project. Let’s just call it an experiment. A work on progress. Like this portfolio. Like me.
Make sure you check out my portfolio as well. Quick reference is listed below.