itracs title


iTRACS is a Commscope company.

The Devil is in the details, isn’t that what they say?

iTRACS was a great company to work for. My job was to digitally replicate pictures that I was given strictly in Adobe Photoshop. We were given thousands of template projects to replicate and with the help of the small team I was a part of we were able to accomplish that. The connectors on each of the devices, such as the RJ45s, the BNCs and the serial ports were given to us to use, but everything else is of my own making completely from scratch.

In the slides I provided the picture that I was given to replicate and the end result that I recreated with the dimensions provided.  These are just a small handful of the projects I worked on.

I’m going to miss my time at iTRACS and I truly hope that I get another chance to work with them.

  • Photoshop